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Sunday, March 04, 2012

I have some mad skills.
These are not them.

Just a reminder, the Best of the Blogosphere linkup will be open until March 10th! Come link up your favourite post from February or a list of your favourite February posts! 

It's #MondayListicles time again with NorthWest Mommy. This week's list topic, inspired by Jessica from My time as mom, is 10 THINGS I AM RUBBISH AT.


Yet another list I could write in my sleep.

Which brings me to item number 1....

1. Sleep. It's partly that I'm just too busy. Too occupied in thought and to-do lists at times to settle down to sleep. And I have a child - children are sleep robbers. It's a good thing they're cute. And things have to be just so in order for me to sleep.

2. Dishes. I have always despised washing dishes from the time of my childhood in a house of seven people with no dishwasher. I still do them - mostly - but it's a real chore to work up the energy.

3. Housecleaning. It's a necessity. I'm not a fan. Thus, I do it as needed, but not exceptionally well. I'd rather, and I do, pay someone else to do it for me.

4. Cooking. Sometimes I actually enjoy it, and then good things happen. But like cleaning and doing the dishes, it mostly sucks the energy out of me. If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is hire a personal chef.... who also does dishes... and cleans the house... and...

~ ~ I'm starting to sound like a bit of a princess. ~ ~
~ ~ Explains why I have this magnet on my fridge. ~ ~

4. Being sympathetic when my man is sick. I try, but honestly. It's like the world is coming to an end!

5. Driving at or under the speed limit. Life's just too short!

6. I'm not the best at playing Smash 'em up car chase until we catch the bad guys and DESTROY them! Sorry kid. What can I say? I'm a girl.

7. Travelling. Probably has something to do with my needing 17 pillows of particular shapes and sizes and just the right blankets in order to sleep (see number 1). I am very much like the Princess and the Pea (see above magnet).

8. Saying no. It will come as no surprise to friends and family that I have included this one here. I have issues with not taking on too much. That may be somewhat of a commonality among bloggers. Am I right, ladies and gents?

9. Finishing things. I prefer starting things, and am easily distracted, so sometimes things just end up being left partially completed. Oooh... I see a shiny thing over there!


  1. Oh, great list. It's tough being a princess, isn't it!

  2. You are my kind of princess. I hear you on #4! Same here...

  3. I love you for number 2 and 3 and 4 (and especially 4) and 5 and 6 and - and - and...well, you get the idea. Same book, same page! (-:

    1. Ha ha! Ado. I probably speak for many bloggers - we're too busy being brilliantly witty to be housekeepers.

  4. I'm with you on a lot of that. Except the sleep thing. I'm really damn good at that (when I'm allowed, that is).

    1. Robin, I am so jealous of people who are easy sleepers. I'd trade a lot of things for that ability!

  5. Haha, I am just as terrible as you at most of these things! Guess I'm a bit of a princess myself...

    1. Thank goodness we each have princes to look after our needs... except when they're sick, of course!

  6. Oh #4, dear #4. When my man gets sick, it is like the world is ending. Drives me crazy. When I am sick for the most part it is, keep calm and carry on.

    1. So true. They may have it right though. It's probably not so great that we don't stop going even when we're sick. The complaining I could do without though.

  7. Replies
    1. It's a hard character trait to overcome, isn't it?

  8. Does falling asleep count with your #1? I will lie there for so long, I start thinking I should just get up instead!

    1. Yes, that counts. Sometimes I do get up - better than laying there accomplishing nothing!

  9. Many things on this list could be on mine as well. I always knew I had the princess gene.

    1. We need to start a club. Who will we hire to look after our princessly needs?

  10. Oh yes cleaning and cooking...I am not very good at these either..lol I am lacking in the domestic department!

    1. Natalie, me either! I beat myself up for a long time because I am not a good housekeeper. I'm finally realizing, it just isn't my thing! :)

  11. It's so hard to function after a bad night's sleep. I'm such a light sleeper - I wake up many times at nite. I swear if a leaf falls from a tree at night it will wake me up :(

    1. Jennifer, you and me both! I am the lightest sleeper I know, and I feel your pain! Quite a burden, I must say.

  12. Great list Sue, I am pretty sure I could reblog your list as my own and noone would be suspicious, including me! I hope you get a day off to be the princess you are:)

    1. Thanks Shannon. I suspected others might be able to relate! ;)

  13. There's no need to be sympathetic to sick husbands. They act like big babies!

    1. LOL - very true, but sometimes I'm not much better.

  14. Oh number 4 for sure. When my husband is sick it's like he's on his death bed. I think this is common amongst men looking at these comments though! ;)

  15. LOL, I never realized I was a prince, Being royal, who has to finish anything anyway. Thanks for the laughs (and the insights)

  16. I rarely drive at or under the speed limit... unless a cop is out :) And why do men act like they are on their death bed when sick?

    1. Thanks for backing me up on that, Audrey. I have an aunt-in-law who thinks I am nuts for not driving at least 5 km under the speed limit.

  17. Sounds like we have a bit in common. Specially the first 4.

    1. I'm relieved to know so many moms feel the same way about numbers 1 through 4!

  18. Oh I have given up trying to be sympathetic when my husband is sick. The man cold? Yeah, it's like he's dying. So annoying!

  19. I too am bad at sleep and being sympathetic when hb is sick..coz he is no way sympathetic when I am sleep..-tit for tat!!

    1. Ya, that's kind of how it is around here too!

  20. Great list! I too am horrible at housework. So glad I'm not alone.

    1. Perhaps if I enjoyed it more or took pride in housework I would be better at it. I don't see that happening... :)

  21. Great list. We share the top 3. Laundry has to be my absolute worst. Who needs clothes, right? I have a hard time being sympathetic when my guy gets sick too. I try, but the kids usually zap me dry.

    1. Interestingly, I don't mind doing laundry. It's like gardening for me - sort of zen like. But still, it does tend to pile up! :)

  22. What is it with guys when they're sick?? You're right--they do act like it's the end of the world!

    1. In the case of my guy, I think maybe it happens so rarely that it freaks him out!

  23. #9 Hands down! hahaha "Oooh... I see a shiny thing over there!"

  24. LOL. Awesome ending! Your list could pass for mine...except I like the crashing stuff too. That and martial arts. I'm a butt kicking princess with mad martial arts skills who can pass for a ninja. (At least, I wish to be.)

    1. LOL - "a butt kicking princess with mad martial arts skills who can pass for a ninja" - that's just all kinds of awesome!
