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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Heart Belongs to You, Little One

I'm linking up today with Bianca of Bits of Bee for her new Quotable Bits link up. Come on and join the fun!

Today I am preparing to register my son - my baby - for Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN! Sigh.

Big snuggles this morning. I love our lazy starts. I'll register him for afternoons to hold onto them a little longer. It's too soon for full days. Grade 1 will be too soon for full days!

It's a good thing that the letting go is gradual. Baby steps. But no matter how gradual it is, I feel it. I feel his move towards independence. It's a good thing. The natural order. Still my heart aches with thoughts of 'losing him'.

He's my only one. There's a whole lot of me wrapped up in him.

Today's quote says it all:

Boy, did she nail that! That is exactly how I feel.

I understand completely why mamas want to have more kids at this stage. This is the stage when snuggles are fewer and farther between. We long to feel that closeness that we knew nothing of until the day our first child was born.

Bitter sweet. But the memories are enough to sustain me for the rest of my life. Had I not become a parent - even just the once - I would not have known that my heart could expand to hold so much more love. 

Though it's hard to believe it myself, it feels as though my heart grows with love for him each day. Elizabeth Stone's quote articulated something for me that until I read I only felt. Intensely

Take my heart with you little one, for though it aches to be separated from it and from you, I would have it no other way. My heart belongs to you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm also linking up with Lovelinks @FreeFringes,
a super cool place to hang out!

Stop by each week, link up a favourite post.
Come back the next day and vote for your favourites.


  1. That quote sums up motherhood so perfectly. Kindergarten is a huge step, mine is getting ready for preschool next year and I am already having anxiety.

  2. I remember that bittersweet feeling all too well. They grow up way too fast!

  3. So, so true! Kinder is such a big, momentous year, filled with changes and growth. Enjoy! :>

  4. It's a big change - enjoy it though!

  5. That is my FAVORITE quote about being a mom EVER. There are no truer words.

    Do you get to choose morning or afternoon K? We don't get to choose, they choose for us. My guy is in K this year. Had afternoon pre-K, but has morning K. It will be very weird when he starts first grade!

  6. Registration for kindergarten for Sarah starts Monday. It feels unreal. I think I am in denial.

  7. Oh so sweet! That quote is spot on. My heart feels like it hurts sometimes, it's so filled up with love. Speaking of signing up, my eldest has to be registered soon for JK. *sob*

  8. my absolute favourite quote about motherhood. so perfectly expressed and captures a mothers' heart.

  9. I love that quote, and it's so true. My little girl starts Kindergarten in September too, and it's literally keeping me up at night! Such a big step. We have full day here so you're lucky to have a more gradual transition. Good luck, and thanks for linking up!

  10. Beautiful quote I can so relate to. I worried about little B starting Kinder this year too. She's loving it and I feel better now knowing how well she's thriving and getting along with friends.

    It's still hard seeing them grow up so fast. Just want to keep them little forever!

  11. That quote could not be more true. It is a feeling unlike any other. My kids go to daycare, so thankfully, the kindergarten transition will hopefully be less painful than it might have been for me.

  12. That's possibly the best, most accurate quote about the truth of being a mother. I am holding onto my boy for another year before preschool!

  13. This is one of my most favourite quotes

  14. Wow, kindergarten! Big step, but I know you and he will do great! It's a bit sad to realize that everyday they do become more independent from us, but at the same time, that means we're doing our jobs.

  15. My mother said that to me when my daughter was born. (I didn't know she stole it.) Actually, I think she came up with it on her own. Hold on to every second as long as you can.

  16. you said it perfectly.
    And that quote is so very true.

  17. Wow big day for Little J. Not so little. I love that quote. If someone gave asked me to guess in a pool of quotes which one you would have picked I would say that one!

  18. awww....a Big Day, indeed. And I love that quote. Of course, the part of that quote that she *didn't* publish is: having a child sometimes means wanting to put your heart in a cage and never let it out because if it says "can I have a coooookkkkkkieeeee" one more time you're going to serve it for breakfast." But we love them anyway, don't we? Sigh. Kindergarten. Seems like a long time ago. Good luck (to all of you!)

  19. I love the quote and I feel this way often now as the shoes get bigger and Q looks taller. E is still a baby in her way, but Q gains independence and doesn't have as much time for cuddles for he must explore the world around him. This quote captures it all perfectly and our hearts do belong to them. He is so precious, I can see how you just want to keep him close for as long as you can!

  20. I have heard that one before and it is SO true. My heart leaves me every day and is never fully at rest until he's peacefully and safely sleeping upstairs!

  21. That is such a beautiful sentiment. Enjoy this last bit of time with him before school.
