This week, Ally from Two Normal Moms suggested we write a list of “10 things [we’d] like to see happen before [we] die”. Alternatively, she said we could write about “10 things that give [us] anxiety" but she figured none of us would admit to any. Well, I have news for you, Ally: It was hard to limit myself to just 10!
1. being late
2. public speaking of any kind (the reason why I have yet to Vlog)
3. clutter
4. figuring out what to wear to a special event
5. driving in a snowstorm
6. lunch
7. wrinkles (I really just meant the ones in clothes and sheets when I first wrote this, but, ya... those other ones too and the grey hairs that come with them)
8. earwigs <shudder>
9. deadlines
10. not having a computer to type my #MondayListicles on (mine is in Apple heaven - had to kick hubby off of his... which actually was kind of fun)EDITED TO ADD:
It has come to my attention that not everyone knows what an earwig is. I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Gawd, I can't even look at them - hideous, angry little creatures:

Earwig in a typical threatening posture

In the animal kingdom, organisms with pincers on their butts are classified in the phylum "evil"
Come on and join the fun:
I'm with you on many of these! Never considered myself an anxious person, but when I start thinking about all the items, my list is growing rather looonnnnggg...
ReplyDeleteOh, Amanda said exactly what I was going to. I thought I was cool as cucumber but so far I keep nodding to everyones anxiety list! OK, apart from earings. But throw in a mask or a clown and....
ReplyDeleteOh, good! I'm glad to hear I'm not alone.
ReplyDeleteStasha... not earRINGS, silly, earWIGS!! Really hideous bugs with pincers - ACK! Demon spawn!
Ew, earwigs. Clutter - ugh. Wrinkles and white hairs, can't stand them!
ReplyDeleteYour list gives me anxiety. I hear ya on most of them!
Sorry about that, Bruna. It gave me anxiety just writing it!
ReplyDeleteAnd now earwigs are on my list too! Ew.
ReplyDeleteBeing late and clutter just about drive me insane.
Great list.
Tonya, earwigs are seriously gross, aren't they?! Hubby thinks I am insane.
ReplyDeleteThat picture! THAT PICTURE! Gah!
ReplyDeleteI now have at least one item to throw out immediately if someone asks what gives me anxiety. ;)
Well, there's another one that comes readily: big changes at work. Hoo boy, does that throw me for a loop, in a very not-hypothetical sense at the moment.
Oh I know what an earwig is. They are nasty. Ever been pinched by one? It is not pretty. I hate being late too. It gives me a lot of anxiety. I always have dreams that I am late for work or can't get to work.
ReplyDeleteI could've lived a very long and happy life without seeing those pictures. I think I'll pretend that I didn't really see them...and go on with a long and happy life anyway. ;)
ReplyDeleteGood job kicking your husband off of his computer!
Sorry, Deb. I really didn't want to post those pictures. SO gross.
ReplyDeleteLisa, one year at Girl Guide camp, those nasty buggers swarmed our tent. Yes, I have been bitten by one. Trying hard not to use the word hate.... I dislike them with a burning passion!
ReplyDeleteJacqui, I think it's best to forget you saw anything here today.
ReplyDeleteAck...earwigs! they loved our darkly shaded never dries out after rain backyard. So I cut down a tree. seriously. (it's okay huggers, I planted 2 more.) my daughter calls them "nasty bugs" and she thinks they are what cause earthquakes. LOL
ReplyDeleteI never knew what earwigs were, but now, I have anxiety about them! ;)
ReplyDeleteI was nodding my head in agreement with your entire list! Earwigs WIG me out!
ReplyDeleteSo um what's the DEADLINE for your first VLOG and I hope you don't have to drive thru a SNOWSTORM to get there, not to make you anxious or anything... (-:
ReplyDeleteRory, I would never fault you for removing their home. I love most all creatures, except mosquitoes and earwigs!
ReplyDeleteBarbara, sorry about that. :/
ReplyDeleteLOL, Diane. Me too!!
ReplyDeleteAck, Ado!! Sigh. I'm thinking I'll set the deadline to sometime this year - take the pressure off - or maybe sometime this decade...
ReplyDeleteYou deserve your computer.
ReplyDeleteAnd ewwwww bugs drive me crazy.
I too have never braved the vlog, and I doubt I will.
ReplyDeleteThose earwigs would totally wig anyone out!
Sorry to hear about your computer! Hope you get a new one soon! Earwigs...gross! And clutter makes me anxious too.
ReplyDeleteWish I had never seen an earwig picture..pretty sure we don't have those here but I am anxious about them now anyway and will see them in my sleep. Clutter and wrinkles...hmm enough to give me gray hair for sure! Had fun reading your list!
ReplyDeleteMy Goodness. An earwig. Something else to keep me up at night. Which DEADLINES do sometimes. I just turned in something this morning -- so going to take a Advil PM and set the alarm for 5. poo. Wouldn't it be great if it were the weekend?
ReplyDeleteDriving in the snow doesn't bother me, earwigs either. Not sure if I have ever seen one. Spiders! Very manly crashing out of the bathroom cuz one is in the tub, shudder.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have nightmares about that earwig! And public speaking keeps me from vlogging, too! LOL
ReplyDeleteEARWIGS! I hate those things! In northern michigan, where I spent all my growing-up summers, we'd find earwings huddled in the crevices of our towels in the bathroom, lurking on the rim of the coffee pot INSIDE WHERE YOU PUT THE COFFEE (would you like cream or hot earwig with that?), sauntering along the porch...shudder shudder shudder.
ReplyDeleteI had never even heard of earwigs but I wouldn't like them either!
ReplyDeleteNadia, thank-you! i'm looking forward to the new computer.
ReplyDeleteJackie, I'm not convinced anyone else wants me to vlog either! Scary.
Thanks Jen. New computer is on its way! At least I have time to declutter... In theory.
Bestfoodies, sorry to give you more reasons to be anxious!! ;)
Jamie, I am with you there. I love weekends!
Paul, I have many friends who are pralyzed by a fear of spiders, men and women. The big ones would definitely freak me out!
Sorry about the nightmares My Mercurial Nature! I didn't want to post those photos - my hands were tied! ;)
Deborah, see? You get what I'm saying. Pure evil!
Natalie, i hope you never have to see one!
I hate being late too! And earwigs looks gross! ugh!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I had a hard time limiting mine to 10, too! Ha! And I'm with you on a lot of these. I had never heard of earwigs before, but now that I've seen them... Ew. I'm just glad they don't crawl into your ears.